Fitness Tip - Sleep & Stress

Sleep & low stress level is very important which is avoided by everyone, sleep helps our muscle in recovery and avoid water retention. because low level calories diet make bad impact on hormonal function, like high stress level on hormones and low sugar level it disturbs sleep. If your sleep isn't good and you have high stress level your fitness journey isn't going well you loss your strength, energy level, metabolism rate, brain communication and many more bad impact in your lifestyle. So if anyone want to maintain all of these thing should be complete his/her sleep at least 8 hour, should early to bed and early to rise, according to research best sleeping hours are 10pm  to 5am. it repair's our injuries, relax our brain, release stress and you have no diseases whether if anyone have, diabetes, blood pressure and other problems, so good diet plan and sleeps maintain his/her lifestyle. some facts about sleep.

  1. Improve memory
  2. Live longer
  3. Curb inflammation
  4. Spur creativity
  5. Be a winner
  6. Improve your grades
  8. Sharpen attention
  9. Have a healthy weight
  10. Lower stress
  11. Steer clear of depression
if anyone have any question ask i will give answer as soon as possible. PEACE 


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