Vitamins and Minerals (Part-2)
Raw materials are requirement of our body includes vitamins, minerals and dietary component and our actual diet which we take on daily basis isn't make these things in sufficient amount.
Vitamins and minerals helps to boost our immune system give your muscles energy and cellular damage. but it's a myth in our society it fails or hurt body organs/orgasms but realty is opposite but now nutrition, doctors, bloggers play important role to create awareness about vitamins, minerals and food supplements.
Now people trying to research on these thing by reading articles, blogs, vlogs and follow fitness motivators on social media to better their life style. vitamins which are important in our daily meals which help body like Vitamin A,B,C,D,E and K and in minerals like zinc, biotin, calcium, iron, folate, choloride, sodium, potassium, magnesium etc. In this article, you'll have better knowledge and self aware how minerals and vitamins helps your body in daily life.
for further we will discuss in next blogs
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